Saturday, November 27, 2010

Change Is Good

     I must be a very indesicive person...intially I wasn't sure what exactly I wanted to accomplish with this blog.  After a lot of thought, i've decided...


     I'm going to make wonderful, amazing, cute layouts for blogger! :) I'm going to do it just for fun, and as a hobby.  I've always loved putting together creative looking pages, so that's what I'm going to do.  Hopefully people will use them because that will make it all worth it.
     Look for the first few layouts coming soon!


Veronica said...

Well, you better not decide to live in Alaska because if you are annoyed with -12, try -40 for two weeks straight or like last year wind chill factor of -60! That is cold. Yes they still held school.
I lived in Rexburg ID for two semesters. I know there wind chill and it is pretty bad. I know your pain. But I really must say that parts of Alaska are way worse.

GAFlyGirl said...

what a cute layout background.. you will do great with your new hobby/career!
Thanks for following my blog, and for following, and commenting on mine! Yes I agree wii is so expensive. We don't have a whole lot of money either due to having 6 kiddo's but we found a good price on one used on amazon so my hubby figured, it beat the cost of me joining a gym membership so we went with it. I love it. My wii active I won free on for being the sista of the month a while back and I am loving it!

GAFlyGirl said...

oh and btw I am following your blog now also! thanks for following me also!

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